Faith * Family * Fellowship

We’re here because spiritual growth doesn’t happen alone. Our faith is made stronger when we gather to study God’s Word as a family, and when we make it a priority to fellowship often, because Jesus did the same.

A Message for You

Our vision is to serve the community, lead people to encounter Jesus through the living witness of our congregation, and help every person to mature in their faith through Bible study and discipleship. We want to encourage you to become part of our family of faith, and to grow as Jesus did, “… in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and man.” (Luke 2:52)

Meet Pastor Joe

We welcome the Rev. Joe Patton, who has accepted the position of Interim Pastor at Your Community Church – Branch, TX. 

We desire to meet the physical and spiritual needs of our community as we share the Good News of Jesus Christ where we live, work and play. May God bless this ministry as Pastor Joe serves this church and this area of Collin County.

The Rev. Joe Patton is currently Associate Executive Director at Collin Baptist Association. He and his wife, Evita, are the parents of three children.

Pastor Joe Patton and his wife, Evita.